Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Blog post 2

Sitting at a local restaurant, there were key points that I had observed from the short time I was there.  The restaurant required that you were given a bowl and allowed to put whatever and how much you wanted in that bowl to be cooked up and served to you.  For the most part everyone had gotten the same amount of serving, and then I noticed two males probably in their 30's that were what we would consider slightly obese in society today.  Looking at their portions size, it was just as small as mine.  I am not a big man at all knew that my portion sized could have been doubled by those two men easily.  i also noticed how the workers there had asked those two men specifically if there was anything else they wanted to add.  Why were they the only ones asked this question and why did those men feel the need to shelter there eating, unless they are on some type of diet, when there should not be a standard to how someone looks at you by how much you eat.

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